Castrol is a British global brand of industrial and automotive lubricants offering a wide range of oils, greases and similar products for most lubrication applications. Burmah-Castrol was purchased by BP in 2000 and the Castrol brand became part of the BP’s Group of Companies a British multinational oil and gas company headquartered in London, England, United Kingdom.

Products by category:

  • Lengvųjų automobilių alyvos
Edge FST TITANIUM0W 401, 4, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
Edge FST TITANIUM10W 601, 4, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
Edge FST TITANIUM5W 301, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
Edge FST TITANIUM0W 301, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
EDGE TITANIUM5W-401, 4, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
Edge Turbo Diesel TITANIUM5W 401, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
Magnatec SAE C25W-301, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
Magnatec SAE ESAE 5W-201, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
Magnatec SAE A55W-301, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
Magnatec SAE C35W-301, 4, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
Magnatec SAE A3/B45W-301, 4, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
Magnatec Diesel DPF5W 401, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
Magnatec SAE C35W-401, 4, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
Magnatec SAE A3/B410W-401, 4, 5, 60, 208 L
Magnatec  Diesel SAE B410W-401, 5 L
GTX HIGH MILAGE SAE5W-401, 5, 60, 208 L
GTX SAE A3/B410W-401, 5, 20, 60, 208 L
GTX SAE A3/B315W-401, 5, 60, 208 L
A747 1 L
Act>evo 4T20W50 1, 60, 208 L
Act>evo Scooter 2T1 L
Agri Hydraulic Oil Plus 5, 20, 60, 208 L
Agri MP15W40 20, 208 L
Agri MP Plus10W405, 20, 60, 208 L
Agri Power Plus15W405, 20, 60, 208 L
Agri Power Ultra10W4020, 60, 208 L
Agri Trans Plus80W5, 20, 60, 208 L
Agri Trans Plus AS80W 20, 208 L
Axle EPX80W90 1, 5, 20, 60, 208
Axle EPX85W1405, 20, 208 L
Axle EPX 90 1, 20, 60, 208 L
Axle Z Limited Slip 90 1, 20, 60, 208 L
Bike Polish
Biolube 2T 1 L
Brake Fluid DOT 4 0.5, 5, 208 L
Chain Cleaner 0.4 L
Chain Lube Racing 0.4 L
Chain Spray O-R0.4 L
CLS Grease 18 L
DWF (Aerosol) 0.4 L
Elixion Low SAPS 5W3020, 208 L
Enduron10W4020, 208 L
Enduron Global10W4020, 208
Enduron Low SAPS5W3020, 208 L
Enduron Plus5W3020, 208 L
Enduron SLD10W40208 L
Enduron SLD3  208 L
Energrease LC 2 5 L
Foam Air Filter Cleaner
Foam Air Filter Oil (Aerosol) 0.4 L
Fork Oil10W0.5 L
Fork Oil15W 0.5 L
Fork Oil20W0.5 L
Garden 2T
Garden 2T Synthetic (Red) 1 L
Garden 4T
Garden Chain Oil 1, 4 L
Greentec Bike Cleaner1 L
High Temperature Grease0.4 L
High Temperature Grease50, 180 L
Manual EP80W 1, 208 L
Manual EP 80W90 208 L
Metal Parts Cleaner (Aerosol)0.4 L
Motorcycle Coolant 1 L
MTX Full Synthetic75W1401 L
Multipurpose Grease 0.4, 18, 50 L
Outboard 2T 1, 20 L
Outboard 4T 1 L
Power 1 4T10W401, 4, 60, 208 L
Power 1 4T15W501, 4, 208 L
Power 1 4T20W50 208 L
Power 1 Racing 2T1 L
Power 1 Racing 4T 10W30
Power 1 Racing 4T10W30208
Power 1 Racing 4T10W401, 4, 208 L
Power 1 Racing 4T10W501, 4, 60, 208 L
Power 1 Racing 4T5W401, 208 L
Power 1 Scooter 4T 5W40 1 L
Premium Heavy Duty Plus0,4 L
R 40 1 L
React Performance DOT 40.5 L
React SRF Racing 1 L
Scooting Gear Oil 90 0.5 L
Silicon Spray 0,4 L
Synthetic Fork Oil10W0,5 L
Synthetic Fork Oil5W0,5 L
Syntrans75W85 60, 208 L
Syntrans AT75W90208
Syntrans B75W 1 L
Syntrans FE75W1 L
Syntrans Multivehicle75W901, 20, 60, 208 L
Syntrans Transaxle75W901, 20 L
Syntrans V FE75W80 1 L
Syntrans Z Long Li75W8020, 208 L
Syntrax Limited Slip75W1401, 20, 60, 208 L
Syntrax Long Life75W14060, 208 L
Syntrax Long Life75W901, 60 L
Syntrax Universal80W9060, 208 L
Syntrax Universal Plus75W901, 60, 208 L
Techniclean AS 62 20, 208 L
Tection15W40 5, 20, 60. 208 L
Tection DD Monograde 40 20 L
Tection Global15W4020, 208 L
Tection Medium Duty 15W4020, 208 L
Tection Monograde10W 20, 208 L
Tection Monograde20W20, 208 L
Tection Monograde 3020, 208 L
Tection Monograde 40 20, 208 L
Transmax Dex III Multi 1, 20, 60, 208 L
Transmax DUAL1, 208 L
Transmax Offroad 30 208
Transmax Offroad 50 208
Transmax Z 1, 60, 208 L
XR 77 1 L